Simon Crawford was o the board 1st this week at J2, and netted 2 carp at 29lb

Darren Lewis had a steady week with a total of 5 out from the mid 20s to a 30lb 02oz

Robbie Hicks had a 32lb (m) plus another 11 not weighed this time!!

Danny Tapp reeled in a stunning 53lb carp and another 10 carp from 22lb swiftly moving into the 30s - NICE ice

Duncan Mcvean fished J2 well this week total 7, starting with 2 at 21lb and then moving on and up into the mid 30s

Robert Jones banked a 24lb, 33lb, 34lb 12oz and a cat at 36lb

Andy Leese was on a roll catching 13 plus a couple of cats, getting down to business on the banks starting with a 44lb 08oz (c) and to include another 12 weighty carp - good one Andy

Robert Bennett had a good week also getting on the bank a lovely 46lb 04oz (get in there) followed with a 23lb, 27lb, 31lb, 21lb, 30lb and finishing his week at J2 with a 39lb er - some weight Rob!!

Luke was on the board last but not least (as they say) netting a total of 15 (busy rods) starting with a nice 41lb, 34lb, 28lb, 25lb, 21lb, 45lb, a common (not weighed because both rods were going) 21lb, 14lb, 35lb, 21lb, 34lb, 28lb, 20lb and a 24lb to finish is grand total - Good Catch

The lads had a mixed week os weather making the fishing intense, but still a good result again this week at Jurassica2


Jurassica 2 Carp Fishing France   Private Carp Fishing in Northern France - Tel: +33 323 52 54 31